Dear Parent(s):
Looking for a creative way to tell your graduate, “I love you and I’m proud of you”?
Place a recognition ad in the yearbook!
Whether your son or daughter is a 8th grader or senior, a recognition ad is always a great idea. In the future, seeing your message will bring a smile as they remember your love and support during these important years. And, it’s easy to create a recognition ad. Just use the online order system to upload of your favorite photo and compose your message.
While you’re thinking of what your ad will look like, also think about the size of the ad space. Select a horizontal or vertical format in a variety of sizes and costs. Take a look at the examples in our brochure.
We can even keep the ad a secret until the yearbook is distributed (but only if your son or daughter isn’t on the yearbook staff).
Reserve a space for your ad today to say how proud you are. Like the yearbook, your message will be a permanent memory.
The Yearbook Staff